Today we want to invite you in our swimming home. We are happy that you have time to visit us, please come on board! No worries for swinging when you step on, the boat is moored on 3 pins and rarely moving.
But when you enter the boat through the 4 steps downstairs, please take care of your head! The sliding door on top is made of solid metal and can hurt a lot.
You enter now our guest room. Don’t be irritated by the mouldily smell. What shall we say, it’s the water.
Left and right you can see 2 beds for our guests.
Please come further, we show you the bathroom.
To the left and right you can see our wardrobes – we better open them not now, but be assured they can take a lot of stuff.
The next doors are the toilet to the right, and the shower to the left. You need to use it? Grrrr, we don’t like this because it’s nearly full and we have to make a pump out for 10 quid. But anyway … feel free …
Now you need to open both doors to use them – at the same time you close the corridor. We will wait here until you are ready.
- Shower
Did you have a look inside the shower as well? Nice, isn’t it?
If you have a shower, you need to switch on the shower-pump. Otherwise the water can not drain into the canal. Yes, its a funny sound. And yes if the windows are clean, the dogwalkers along the canal can see you showering. Oh, the water is cold? Yes I know, the hot water comes from the engine and we didn’t run it the last 5 hours.
OK, let’s move on to the kitchen.
Nice, hm? Wait for turning the tap, first we need to switch on the water pump .. OK, ready. Yes, that’s a funny sound, too. The kitchen is powered with a gas bottle that sits in the bow of the boat. It lasts for a few month, even when you cook daily. Look at the nice hub, like in a “normal” kitchen – we even have an oven. There is enough space to cook – except someone wants to move through the corridor all the time.
Here in the living area we were celebrating several parties with up to 10 people. Hard to believe? yes.. The solid fuel stove makes the boat really warm and comfortable in the cold time of the year.
Here you can see our bed. Imagine how cosy it is to lay down here and listen to the raindrops on the roof, or bicycles passing by on the towpath, while you are safe and warm and hug your partner.
And imagine waking up on a winter morning .. its cold and damp.
Time to light up the stove.
Ok thanks for your visit, was nice to have you here!