20 Steps To A Joyful Life

Big goals are big challenge. Don’t loose yourself in big houses, cars and jobs. It’s simplicity and lightness that make you free and joyful. The following 20 steps will help you on this journey.


  1. Spend less: Cancel all your subscriptions that are not essentially vital. Don’t buy any more things that you don’t really need.
  2. Get out of debts asap: Pay your debts back as soon as possible. Get out of mortgages.
  3. Save money: begin to save a fixed amount of money every month, even if it’s little.
  4. Don’t worry, be happy: Realise that your sorrows are just thoughts that you can reframe or simply not pay attention to.
  5. Play as much as you can: Focus on activities that are fun.
  6. Small is beautiful: Sell or rent your big house and get a small, simple place. Use materials like stone, wood, straw, clay .. Consider renting a small space and building a jurta that you can use also during the winter. Design it yourself in the way you love it.
  7. Stop watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines – they don’t reflect real life.
  8. Work maximum 4 hours a day for money.
  9. Do all the things you always wanted to do, even if they seem stupid.
  10. Redefine your time: Give away your watch and live based on body feeling and inspiration. Reserve time to do nothing, hang around and make a detour.
  11. Start to enjoy whatever you do, especially eating, drinking, working with your hands, sleeping and making love.
  12. Open your door to strangers, homeless and friends.
  13. Retire now: Don’t procastinate your dreams to retirement, or make plans for the time after.
  14. Use your legs: Walk, hike, cycle, skate, dance
  15. Become creative: paintings, photos, carpenting, sculptures
  16. Go for shopping only in small, local stores – or buy together with others from wholesale stores
  17. Create a vegetable patch everywhere you can (on your window, garden, sow seeds in empty pubic spaces)
  18. Use all your waste, don’t throw it away
  19. Collect unused fruits and food that people throw away
  20. Buy your clothes second hand

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